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Kasidie's Help & Site User Manual Instant Messaging & Chat
Chat & IM Instant Messaging
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Who can use IM & Chat?
All certified, elite members can use the chat rooms and instant messenger. To allow non-certified members access would be really annoying (too many potential fakes), and to allow non-elite members doesn't make business sense as the apps are very expensive (bandwidth, servers, software development, system maintenance, continued feature development, etc) and, hey, we've gotta pay for all this somehow.

Who can IM me?
The default system setting is that any elite, certified member can send you an IM.

Can I change that? Yes! Simply go to your Profile Settings and you can change that to "only my friends" or to "nobody".

Video & Audio Chatting!
If you're got a camera and mic on your computer, and so do the people you're chatting with, then click the link to initiate a cam session. It's fun and adds an entirely new dimension to virtual encounters (which hopefully will lead to the real thing, as THAT is what Kasidie is built for!)

How do I initiate an IM session with someone?
Visit their profile and click the animated chat-bubbles icon (this appears only if they are online and have enabled their instant messenger). This sends them an alert to "accept/deny" the chat session. If the chat-bubbles icon isn't there, but you know they are online, then it simply means they've turned off IM in their profile settings, so send them an email instead!Visit their profile and click the animated chat-bubbles icon (this appears only if they are online and have enabled their instant messenger). This sends them an alert to "accept/deny" the chat session. If the chat-bubbles icon isn't there, but you know they are online, then it simply means they've turned off IM in their profile settings, so send them an email instead!

Why aren't they responding to my IM request?
THE most common reason is that the session timeout is set at 2 hours of inactivity. So if they are away from their computer but didn't click the "Log Out" link (heck, we never click that ourselves) then the system gives a 2 hour window before automatically logging off. Constant polling to check online status is system intensive and can lead to big problems (e.g. logging you off while you're thinking about an email you are writing, or logging you off while you look at photos) so the 2 hour window of inactivity is the best we've got for now.

Other reasons someone might not accept a chat is that they are busy doing something else (reading email, chatting with someone, working on their profile, uploading photo albums, etc) or that they are using a computer where, by proximity or other reasons, they just can't have IM or Chat sessions open.

So the net is, don't take it personal. There are lots and lots of reasons why someone can't IM with you right this moment. If it was personal they'd have you blocked, and since you aren't blocked, well, then it ain't personal it's just other stuff.

What copy protection is there, if any?
This third-party application doesn't really have any copy protection. Thus, your text, photos, and maybe even cam video can be copied, recorded or otherwise captured by others in Chat/IM. So don't participate, or don't post anything, if you are concerned about this.

Bugs, something not working right?
We heavily customized both IM and Chat to make them our own, but they are literally THE ONLY applications on Kasidie we didn't build ourselves from scratch. So there will be bugs and glitches, some of which we can fix and some we'll have to have the vendor fix. As you find them send a note to Admin with as much detail as you can (we need to replicate a bug in order to fix it).

Does it work on mobile phones?
Maybe, but probably not very well. The app is written in Flash and has fixed window sizes (if your phone doesn't support Flash then this means it won't work at all for you). There's just no way for us to optimize it for mobile devices at this time. In the future we hope to have a scaled down version that works great on mobile.

Chat Rooms
coming soon!

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